Monday, July 19, 2010

A Pleasant Surprise

Today was spent inside the State Emergency Operations Center in Tallhassee, FL.
We got to participate in the daily briefing.
It was exactly like a movie.
It was awesome.

For the next six weeks, I will be in Pensacola, FL working for Volunteer Florida. We are working to create sustainable volunteer programs for the Floridian citizens in efforts to minimize the impact of the oil spill in the Gulf. When I first found out about the project I was... upset (to put it lightly).

I wanted to clean up oil.
Thats what I signed up for.
Thats what I took the 24 hour HAZWOPER course for.

But alas, President Obama said that no government money will be used to clean up the oil. Thats what BP's money is for. We are government money so we cannot touch the oil. So I acted like a baby and complained about it for 2 days. Mostly because I wont be with my regular team for the rest of the year. Im on a composite team for this project and then I will be on a composite team for my fire round after this. I LOVE my regular team and they have a kick-ass project in Maine this round. So I was bitter because I am away from them and I didnt get the project I was expecting.

All of that said, Im learning that I really like my new team too. So I thought to myself "I need to quit my complaining and give this project a chance."

So I stopped being bitter.
And now we are in Florida.
And now I am excited about my project.