Friday, February 5, 2010

Getting Ready!

I had the best of intentions when I came home from DC.
I was going to unpack all of my clothes, art supplies, picture frames, toys, books, shower supplies, and other random oddities the day I arrived home. I was also going to completely revamp my room. I was going to get rid of the million and one things that I
A) Dont use
B) Dont need
C) Dont know I have
D) All of the above

Of course, I didnt get those two done the way I had intended. Ive still got a few things to unpack and my room is a wreck from all of the unpacking that I have gotten done. BUT! Fear not....I will get it done last minute like I always do :)

Until then, I am going to enjoy the last days with the greatest of friends and family. Good-byes are the worst. My DC good-byes were the hardest good-byes Ive ever had. I guess thats what happens when you make so many great friends. My roommates (all 9 of them) were the best I could ever ask for and I am so glad they are now part of my life. Now I just have to face my Norfolk good-byes. I know this will suck too. The friends Ive stayed in touch with after I graduated are so wonderful. However, I know I will see all these people again :)

A lot of people have asked many questions about what Im doing. They are always the same questions so Im giving out the same answers over and over agian. Maybe I should start making up stuff so that I can sound more exciting....but I wont. Instead I will answer questions here. Then you read the answers. Then I dont have to answer anymore :)

1) Alicia, where are you going?
I have no idea. Its a travel based program and each project is in a different part of the region. I wont know where Im heading to next until they tell us. I can tell you that I am headed to Perry Point, MD as a base. I arrive there on Monday and we will go through all sorts of training and they will split us up into groups and then I will find out where our projects will be.

2) What are these projects you speak of, Alicia??
All projects fall into five broad categories: natural and other disasters, infrastructure improvement, environmental stewardship and conservation, energy conservation and urban and rural development. Each team completes about four to six projects during the year.

3) Can you you still text and talk on the phone??
Yes folks, Im just going to volunteer for a while in the US. Im not going to live in shacks in third world countries. Call me anytime you like ;)

4) What's your address there?
Alicia Smith-Class XVI
AmeriCorps NCCC
P.O. Box 209
Perry Point, MD 21902

5) Why are you doing this?
Because its awesome! I get to help people who need it, I get to meet, live with, and work with like-minded and amazing people, I don't have to worry about growing up and getting a career just yet, I get to travel, I get to help people who need it, I get an education award when I finish, I get a broad range of experience(and training) in new skills, I get health insurance while participating, and (oh, did I mention?) I get to help people who need it.

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