Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Start in Perry Point

I have a big year ahead of me!

I arrived safely in Baltimore on Monday and rode out to Perry Point soon after. Perry Point is such a quaint town...if you every drive through it dont blink!
Its so beautiful though. Driving through the campus the first time I saw about 30 deer running through the snow! We are staying in an old hospital on the VA Medical Center campus but its really not bad at all. I really lucked out with my room and my roommates. This week has been quite an adventure all ready. There are so many people here from all over the US and the differences between us all never cease to amaze me. I am keeping a running list of some of the bizzare things that are coming out of people's mouths. Keep a lookout for the final product :P

Ive got my physical, my steel-toed boots, my kakis, and my (temporary) team. I am totally ready to get started.
Totally ready to get started on my month of training that is. BORING!
I will be in Perry Point for the month listening and learning.

On a more exciting note, our PT starts next week! And, Saturday is the big pack test for firefighting training. Please say a prayer or cross your fingers for me! I want to get in SO bad!